For most people who have never experienced hospice care, they will usually assume it is just a place to go when you’ve been diagnosed with a terminal illness or are reaching the end of your life.
It’s simply to provide comfort, support, and service during the final days of life. On the contrary, hospice care is so much more than this. And the benefits of hospice care are given to family and loved ones in addition to the patient.
Let’s take a look at what exactly hospice care is, and what this service can really offer.
Hospice is a special type of care for people who are facing life-limiting illnesses, as well as their families, loved ones, partners, and caregivers.
The basics of hospice care are well-known to most. The facility and the hospice staff will address the patient’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs as they face the end of their life.
Hospice care can take place at a comfortable facility or take place in the patient’s home. Nurses and specialists will do everything possible to manage the patient’s pain and other symptoms that could be limiting in order for the patient to have the most enjoyable experience in the time that remains.
The main mission statement for most hospice care provider and facilities is that quality of life is equally important as the length of life. Hospice care rarely strives to prolong the patient’s life in ways that may be uncomfortable or against this wishes, but rather aims to make the quality of the time they have left pleasant. Though, some people will improve and come out of hospice to pursue curative treatment.
There are some elements of hospice care that people aren’t aware of. Hospice care is also about families.
Family caretakers can receive respite benefits from hospice care, which is usually around five consecutive days every ninety days that the patient is in hospice care. After the patient passes away, hospice care can be given to the family in the form of therapy, spiritual counseling, and other forms of grief support.
It’s also untrue that once in hospice care, patients are taken off all their medications to “quicken” the process. This is extremely untrue and dangerous. Most patients choose to remain on their medications related to their terminal illness for the duration of hospice care.
Hospice care involves doctors, specialists, nurses, aids, medical equipment, and other medical elements to keep patients as comfortable and healthy as possible. There is also a common misconception that in order to go into hospice, you’ll have to “plan” on dying. This is not true. This is simply an option for patients to take their life into their own hands after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. Have you or a loved one experienced the benefits of hospice care? Share your story with us in the comments below.
How can I get started with hospice care for my loved one?
Please call us 818-644-5357 to discuss your loved one’s needs and schedule an assessment to determine eligibility and develop a personalized care plan.